Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Android News: Create a full Android App on your own, for free.

Android has now taken the major part of the smartphone market. If you look at the new acquiring’s, Android is now taking 50% of the market in the last six months. To continue boosting their presence in the market, Google just released a new program in beta testing phase. The “Android App Inventor” is a tool which lets you create an application without any programming experience. This means you can just drag and drop some widgets and your android app will be ready to use. Although easy in theory, you still need to be somewhat computer savvy to create your own app. In essence, many will have to wait for the program to evolve from the beta testing phase into a ready to use program. 

It is time for most of you to start thinking about making your own Android App, without having any programming skills. Start creating!
Jocelyn Morettini
Health Psychologist / Neuropsychologist
View Jocelyn Morettini's [LinkedIn] page www.jocelynmorettini.com

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Android App Review: The Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale for free

You are outside your office, at the bedside of a patient, and you need your tools to evaluate your patient’s mood state. The Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale is a well validated questionnaire that can answer your needs [see references]. This scale as a long and a short version, 42 and 21 questions [get it here]. The questionnaire is contains three scales: Depression, Anxiety and Stress. It is available in 28 languages [get it here] and has been validated for online use [see reference].
You can now have your own copy of DASS (long version) with the DAS Scale Android app (created by Radiant Monkey software). This app is straightforward and very user friendly. Once you have finished taking the test, you will receive the raw scores for the three scales and the appropriate normative interpretations. All the data can be exported has .db files either on the SD card or send by email (readable by programs such has SQLite). 

Jocelyn Morettini
Health Psychologist / Neuropsychologist
View Jocelyn Morettini's [LinkedIn] page www.jocelynmorettini.com